When we think of one's character, we think of the core values that one has inside himself often hidden. These values include all Core Values such as honesty, respect, and integrity. Every person is given gifts (skills) to use for God’s purpose. Those gifts are usually things we enjoy or our unique talents. These gifts lead to recognition and therefore can be seen by the world. However, like an iceberg, it only represents 10% above the surface. The character is the 90% not easily seen or recognized.
Satan wants us to use and develop our skills and be proud. We engage in the endless practice to enhance these skills to receive awards, trophies, and other recognition for our individual accomplishments. In short, we have pride. Pride not only destroys your character, but it also damages your relationship with God.
Tiger Woods had the potential to break records that would be untouched until the downward spiral of his character and rapid loss of integrity. His character was exposed to the public and resulted in losing his (talent) gifts. Then he became an easy target for Satan to attack. The harder Tiger tried, the more frustrated he became as he attempted to reclaim his former status. More frustration and flaws in his game and character emerged because he could not get back to the same level of success. Tiger was observed cursing on TV and making his character even weaker. Sadly, the once proclaimed role model has become a disgrace to those who followed him; including loss of endorsements; and his autograph devalued from over $1000 to less than $50.00
God wants us to use our gifts and talents for His purpose. He doesn’t want us just to get a job, make money, retire and die. God wants us to use our gifts to Glorify His Kingdom. If we use them wisely, He will bless us with more. The parable of the ten talents teaches us that if we don’t use our gifts, or, if we keep them to ourselves; He will give them to others. We are all the Body of Christ and each part matters. There are no insignificant members of the family. God gave us gifts to benefit others for His Glory!
“As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace.” – 1 Peter 4:10
Gifts of Holy Spirit— wisdom, understanding, counsel, fortitude (courage) knowledge, piety (righteousness through Christ) and fear (Lord)
Fruits of the Holy Spirit— love, joy, peace, forbearance (tolerance in delay), kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. The greatest is LOVE!
PARABLE OF THE TALENTS: Matthew 25:14-30